Our Story

Our story begins with a passion for quality and authenticity. Committed to sourcing only the finest raw Indian hair, we ensure each bundle tells a unique tale of beauty and craftsmanship. With meticulous care and dedication, we bring you hair extensions that empower and inspire, enhancing your natural beauty with every strand.

Founded in 2018, Adorable Raw Hair embarked on its journey with a passionate commitment to revolutionize and uplift the hair industry through education and dedication to excellence.

We have grown and expanded our factory which is located in South India, as well as touching businesses across North America, Europe,and the UK. We touch every part of the guest experience from the initial hello to the next purchase.

From Founder
Kashesh Agarwaal, CEO of Adorable Raw Hair, is a visionary leader empowering women and reshaping the hair industry with a passion for individual beauty. Through her dynamic leadership and commitment to excellence, she has made Adorable Raw Hair a symbol of confidence and empowerment.
Kashesh Agarwaal
Founder & CEO
Know More About Kashesh Agarwaal
  • Meet Kashesh Agarwaal, the fiery force and Founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) behind Adorable Raw Hair. Kashesh’s journey in the world of hair began with a profound passion that sprouted in her early years, surrounded by confident, empowered women with beautiful hair. Armed with a degree in International Business Economics, Kashesh embarked on a journey of international study, immersing herself in diverse cultures to gain profound insights into business and consumer dynamics worldwide. This global perspective laid the foundation for her vision of Adorable Raw Hair. As a student, Kashesh founded Adorable Raw Hair with a purpose. Witnessing the challenges women face in the contemporary hair market, she set out to create a brand that transcends norms and empowers women to embrace their unique beauty.

  • As the face of our brand, Kashesh leads and oversees all strategic growth initiatives for our company. Her dynamic leadership extends to guest acquisition, ensuring that Adorable Raw Hair not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our diverse clientele.

  • Referred to as an encyclopedia, Kashesh is the perfect resource and educator for our business and guests alike. Her wealth of knowledge in the hair industry positions her as an invaluable asset, ensuring that Adorable Raw Hair remains at the forefront of trends, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

  • Upon graduation, Kashesh took her vision to the United States, creating a lasting footprint in the industry. Her entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to the brand’s mission have been instrumental in shaping Adorable Raw Hair into a symbol of confidence, beauty, and empowerment.

  • Kashesh Agarwaal not only leads Adorable Raw Hair; she embodies its essence. With her visionary approach and commitment to excellence, she continues to redefine standards in the hair industry, inspiring confidence and beauty in every strand.

From Founder
Rohiet Purswane leads a team of over 100 specialists, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation. Renowned for his sourcing and quality expertise, he drives growth and shapes the future of the hair care industry with visionary leadership and strategic financial acumen.
Rohiet Purswane
Founder & COO
Know More About Rohiet Purswane
  • Rohiet Purswane is the driving force behind our thriving enterprise, a seasoned leader who manages a dedicated team of over 100 experts/specialists with unwavering expertise and a passion for excellence. Beyond his professional prowess, Rohiet’s leadership extends into the hearts of our team. Admired and loved, he fosters a positive and collaborative work culture at the factory, inspiring everyone to bring their best to the table.

  • Renowned for his unparalleled sourcing and quality expertise, Rohiet is the architect of our success in delivering top-tier products. With an extensive understanding of diverse hair qualities, he ensures that only the finest raw materials are chosen, setting the foundation for products that exceed expectations.

  • At the heart of our day-to-day operations, Rohiet fearlessly navigates the challenges inherent in running a dynamic factory. His hands-on approach ensures seamless operations, fostering an environment where innovation and efficiency thrive. Rohiet emerges as the mastermind behind every new product launch. His visionary approach and creative acumen drive our commitment to staying at the forefront of the industry, introducing groundbreaking solutions that captivate our audience.

  • Along with a strategic mind in financial matters, Rohiet steers the business with precision. His financial strategies not only propel our growth but also ensure that we remain on a steadfast track towards success. Known for his critical eye, Rohiet meticulously reviews every aspect before it reaches the public eye. His commitment to clarity and perfection guarantees that every product leaving our factory is a testament to our dedication to quality.

  • In the dynamic world of hair care, Rohiet Purswane stands not just as a leader but as a visionary force, shaping the present and future of our business.


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